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How do I download the mobile app from iOS store?Updated a year ago


Australian Members : 

To download the iOS app, please change your App Store to Australia. 
Then head to to download.

UK Members : 

To download the iOS app, please change your App Store to UK. 
Then head to to download.

Here are the steps on how to make the country change, if need be.

  1. Launch Settings from your Home screen.
  2. Tap on iTunes & App Store.
  3. Tap on Apple ID.
  4. Authenticate with Password or Touch ID, if required.
  5. Tap on Country/Region.

  6. Tap on Change Country or Region.
  7. Choose a new country or region.
  8. Tap on Next.
  9. Tap on Agree to consent to the terms and conditions.

Then just search 'Good Pair Days' in the App store and download!

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